What do you get when you have a heaping helping of movie trivia, twisted humor, and a glass of wine (or beer for fans of the fizzy lifting drink)? You get the Movie Wino. That's me.

Welcome to all things cinema and grape.If you're like me, your movie selections vary with your mood. When I'm anxious, I default to either of the Ghostbusters movies; Real Genius; Fight Club or The Departed. Then comes the beverage. Call it state dependent learning that most movies are at least slightly more enjoyable when coupled with a glass of wine--and even better if you have a friend who's a fellow movie wino.

My commitment to you is to provide at least one movie and wine pairing for any mood or occasion. If you have suggestions or need one, bring it on. You can search for movie and wine pairings by mood or visit the archives by week and see what mood I was in...

Movie summaries are courtesy of Internet Movie Database (IMDB). Comments and fermented grape juice or hopped up amber beverage recommendations courtesy of my sick, twisted mind. Whether you're a Wine Enthusiast or have Rotten Tomatoes bookmarked, there's bound to be something for you here.

Drink up!

Monday, October 11, 2010

For the Sardonic in You: Death to Smoochy

Yes. I had taken a bit of a non-wine-induced hiatus. But, I'm back, with vim, vigor, and vino. If you haven't seen Death to Smoochy, and died laughing, you're not quite "off" enough.

You probably don't like David Sedaris or Arrested Development either. That's not my fault. But, there's still hope.

About Smoochy...
A darkly humorous tale for the sick and twisted like yours truly. Fired in disgrace, kids show host Rainbow Randolph Smiley (Robin Williams) finds himself out on the street, while his replacement Sheldon Mopes (Ed Norton), finds himself on the fast track to success with a new hit show as the proud purple rhino Smoochy. But things take a turn for the worst when Sheldon finds out that some of the people that he works with, and some he doesn't know he's working for, are all in it for the money. Meanwhile, Randolph is slowly turning insane with his only thoughts focusing on killing Smoochy and getting back to his life of luxury. Watch the Death to Smoochy trailer.

All I have to say is, there's a scene with some obscene cookies that made me laugh so hard I almost tossed mine.

Watch it. Comment here.

The Bev?
Ancient Peaks Zinfandel. Sweet enough for dark chocolate, but holds its own with some cheese or just a glass.

The Brew
Try Abita's Fall Fest. It's awesome. Had it at a beer festival a few weeks ago. It's a Marzen-style Octoberfest lager. It is brewed with German Haullertau hops and pale and crystal malts. The result is a full-bodied, malty beer with a beautiful amber color. Cheese pairings include Gruyère and Swiss-style cheeses.

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